

Need improved cutting and wear-resistant performance?
Don’t hesitate to contact us. An expert will be in touch!

Address :
Diarotech S.A.
Rue du Rabiseau, 19
B-6220 Fleurus
Tel. : +32 (0) 71 822 828
Fax : +32 (0) 71 822 829

TVA : BE0463.210.137
RPM : Charleroi

Diarotech will only use the information you send to us via the "Contact" page for the purpose of responding to your requests. Your information will not be stored, used for any other purpose or passed on to any third party.


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Diarotech S.A.
Rue du Rabiseau, 19
B-6220 Fleurus
Tél. : +32 (0) 71 822 828
Fax : +32 (0) 71 822 829

TVA : BE0463.210.137
RPM : Charleroi